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Regulations and safety measures due to COVID-19


for our events in Germany (as of August 24, 21)

Before the event, please inform yourself comprehensively about the current legal regulations at the departure point!

Please inform yourself about the current regulations in the country you are joining us!

We are very pleased that you are heading back into the wild waters with us after this quiet time. We can't wait either!

But first we have to send you an important message.


The general rule: In order to come on board, you must have an official certificate that certifies that youeither

(summarized in detail belowhere)*:

*We do not guarantee legal certainty. The information is based on the information on the following pages (as of early August 2021). In order to be 100% certain, we ask you to inform yourself comprehensively about the current legal situation in the respective federal state/country. 


  • with one of theEMA fully vaccinated with the approved vaccine against COVID-19, or    

In Germany aAccording to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), people are only “fully vaccinated” “14 days after all the necessary COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered, i.e. on the 15th day.”!

  • no longer than before180 days with COVID-19infected wait and recover (infection is at least28 days back). There must be no symptoms left on the day of the event.

  • or negative PCR - tested.The PCR test is only 48 hours in Germany. These must be certified by an official body (laboratory diagnostics). It applies on the steamerONLY the PCR test!


In principle, you do not need to wear a mask on the ship, except in the toilet facilities and when boarding. So taking a mask is mandatory. 


Your Techno Steamer Team


Corona vaccination: Validity of the vaccination

The following regulations apply to people who have been vaccinated with a vaccine approved by the EMA:

Update: As of August 15th, a vaccination will only be considered proof of a low epidemiological risk if the person is fully immunized. The proof will be issued from the day of the 2nd vaccination. The regulations for people working with Johnson & Johnson and those who have recovered and been tested remain unchanged.

  • The second vaccination applies in Germany aAccording to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), people are only “fully vaccinated” “14 days after all the necessary COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered, i.e. on the 15th day.”!

  • Vaccines that only require one vaccination (e.g. from Johnson & Johnson), apply from the 22nd day after vaccination for a total of 270 days from the day of vaccination.

  • For people who have already recovered and have been vaccinated once, the vaccination is valid for 270 days from the time of vaccination.

The following still applies to people who have recovered:

These are exempt from the test requirement for 180 days after the infection has expired. Evidence includes a isolation notice or a medical confirmation of an infection confirmed by molecular biology. Evidence of neutralizing antibodies counts for 90 days from the time of the test.

Different validity periods are set for the tests depending on their reliability:

  • PCR tests are only valid for 48 hours in Germany! In NRW ONLY the PCR test is permitted.


*We do not guarantee legal certainty. The information is based on the information on the following pages (as of early July 2021). In order to be 100% certain, we ask you to inform yourself comprehensively about the current legal situation in the respective federal state/country. 

All information for North Rhine-Westphaliahere.


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Everlasting Entertainment Group, Grabengasse 21, 94032 Passau,


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